Hello World
Here we go,
This is my FIRST EVER blog post in my life. I am overwhelmed by so much emotion as I am drafting this! I’m thinking, “What if no one reads this? ... I’M SO EXCITED! But, what if I’m boring? Am I going to bore my audience to death?” No, I am posting this and I do not care. It's out there now, there is no turning back.
Hey y’all! I’m Jennifer and I am the person behind the scenes of Magnolia Calligraphy. Welcome to my site! A space where I'll connect with YOU – I'm here answer any questions you may have. I am an open book, so go right ahead. But first, here a few quick facts about me:
- I was born and raised here in Toronto, Ontario by two brave souls from Vietnam that fought all odds to start a new life together on a land that offers infinite opportunities.
I have 3 beautiful, younger sisters (yes, 4 girls... I know) and I truly believe we are the reason my dad is bald. Sorry daddy.
Magnolia Calligraphy -- I grew up on Magnolia Avenue in lower Scarborough. For nostalgia's sake, I named my company after it. Why not?
I love baking. I really believe dessert/baked goods brings people together. My go-to faves are my chocolate chip cookies. SNAP!
I love physics and math. I actually used to be a high school tutor, teaching these subjects. But if you need help on your chemistry homework, sorry, I can only help you light a Bunsen Burner. Let me know if you're still interested.
I am a HUGE fan of Jason Mraz and Bruno Mars. If you're a fan of either one, we are going to be best friends. Contact me ASAP.
So, I created this space to connect with my friends, whether inside or outside the calligraphy community, and clients. Not only that, I envision this space to showcase the art pieces that I had the privilege to work on. And this blog space will be the mantle core of my website - I envision this page a space where you will see me at my rawest form. I want to blog about not only the beauty of my projects, but I want to show you the imperfections – the mistakes, the trial and error process, and the nitty, gritty shenanigans. I want to provide future calligraphers and DIYers all of the tricks that work best for me when I’m completing a piece. If there is something more you would like to see on this website, feel free to comment below and let me know. All ideas are acceptable and welcome. I appreciate every single praise and constructive criticism.
So, with no further ado, as a celebration of this website launch, I have linked the recipe of my famous chocolate chip cookies. I got this from a very good friend of mine, and this recipe won over hearts for 7 years. If you want to make friends, make this first and bring it to your social gathering.
I've been putting walnuts in my recipe for the last five years, though the recipe doesn't call for it. The first time I did it... IT WAS A SHOW STOPPER! So, If you're feeling adventurous, throw in a cup of walnuts into the mix. ENJOY!
Lots of love,
Magnolia Calligraphy